Preventing damages caused by cyberattackers, online disinformation distributors and propagandists.


Over 15 years experience in preventing and resolving crises caused by online threat actors by harnessing state of the art Cyber, OSINT and Machine Learning tactics.


Reverse Planning Permission Search

An ongoing effort to centralise and index UK Planning Application Data


Automated reputation and privacy exposure.

Registration Snitch

#OSINT project showing how easily and frequently UK Companies House Registration can be abused.

Demonstrating how phishermen abuse free hosting

Analysis of how free javascript hosting and basic obfuscation techniques are used by malicious actors


Finding sensitive information in the trimmed parts of cropped images [PowerPoint]


Finding sensitive information in the trimmed parts of cropped images [Word]

Zero shot learning and the AMITT Framework

Responding rapidly to online influence operations with zero-shot learning and the AMITT framework

Genetic Collager

Use Genetic Programming to do some virtual scrapbooking

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OSINT for understanding blocked HNWI plane activity

OSINT for understanding blocked HNWI aircraft activity

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Glympse responsible disclosure

Zero-shot learning and the AMITT framework

Responding rapidly to online influence operations with zero-shot learning and the AMITT framework

Examination of a self-contained credential stealer

A short examination of a self contained credential stealer found in a phishing email

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